Thursday, August 13, 2009

No Readers?

Looks like everyone is over at looking at all the cute pictures of Ian, and his worn-out parents Nikki and Dan. (I still don't know if labor was induced, or if Ian decided to come out on his own.) :D

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nikki and Dan's baby is here!

Ian Gordon Johnson was born last night (Aug.3) at 745pm. He weighed 7 lbs., 9 oz. (an entire pound less than Anne, my lightest baby) and is 21 inches long. His first name is the Scots variant of John, and his middle name honors both grandfathers. See for pictures of the baby and his parents.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Nikki and Dan's baby

The 'pregnancy ticker' says 8 days. But since Nikki has been schlepping around at 3-4 cm dilated, and the baby is at -2 station, for two weeks now, it's about time for something to happen.

For those uninitiated in late pregnancy terms: The uterine cervix has begun to dilate - 10cm means the cervix has 'disappeared' and the baby is ready to be born. Also -2 station means the baby has begun to descend into the birth canal; -4 station is 'crowning', and the baby's head is appearing at the opening. But being on the launch pad for TWO WEEKS? Nikki is treading the edge of sanity. :)

Labor may be induced on Monday. Stay Tuned!