Monday, July 13, 2009

Stumbling through family history

You wouldn't believe it from looking at me, but:I'm 5/512ths Iroquois Confederacy.

That's 1/512 Oneida - a Tory colonist married a French Canadian - Oneida woman about the time of the Revolutionary War (marriage legally recognized) Mom's side

And 1/128 Mohawk - around 1850 a Mohawk - white man was part of a raid and raped one of the settlers. (Observation is probably not 100% accurate. I suspect the man may have been the child of a white man raping a Mohawk girl, and that he decided to 'return the "favor"')
Dad's side
(you can be sure they kept this one covered up!)

What does it mean for me? High-set cheeks, an unusual set of blood proteins besides the A-B-O positive and negative, and the conviction that Custer acted stupidly in the Indian Wars and paid the ultimate price for it.

Also, the recognition that there are always two sides to every story... and that the majority view isn't always the right, just, or fair conclusion to a problem.

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