Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mom Bragging Rights

Pretty good, considering Tom's had to work all his post-high school life. This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.... most of the time. :)

In other departments: I just had my bum leg checked for a 3-year check up. So stay tuned. My bum insurance requires me to go up to the hospital for x-rays, rather than having it done in the orthopedist's office.

And the girls have chosen May 12, Rachel's half-birthday, as the kitties' official birthday. They plan to frost some Fancy Feast with some mashed potatoes for a kitty birthday cake.

1 comment:

  1. This came in my mother's day card. But note the date - last December. I thought he was battling the administration to make that an Associate of Science Degree, not Associate of Arts.

    And that date was also his birthday. Happy 28th.
